Thursday, April 1, 2010

Each Month Maybe?

As things get busy, I've been letting this slide. Also as things get quiet.

Okay, it's no big surprise.  There are very few blogs with a single author that continue to thrive years after starting up, and I'm sadly average.

Still progressing in my project, though my thoughts are often about how it's unlikely to go anywhere.  Finding funding and finding collaborators is more effort than I can muster.  Still I pursue the vision in the hopes that after I stabilize it, I can get a bit of attention that way. If nothing else, I'll have an interesting little freestanding service that maybe pulls me in $50 a year or something above the cost of running it.

And the vision is still exciting. I'm doing something that nobody else is doing, or can show a means to accomplish with today's technology.  That's gotta count for something. 

Researchinator strangely plugs along...