Friday, November 28, 2008

Putting Pieces together

Comparing the google IM tool versus the yahoo one, there is certainly a crisper delivery of the google one. Plus the responsiveness is better, whereas I see some lag-time in typing into the yahoo tool. The UI is also rather cheap looking. Google really understands crisp clean interfaces.

My team development and contacts seem to take a step forward, then another one back. I have a couple of reasonably firm collaborators, but my guy on patents has taken ill, and so I'll need to drum up someone else.

Going to try to move things along enough today that I will be able to a) get a collaborator to try my app remotely, b) get a better version of my biz overview presentation together c) polish my biz plan enough that I can start to share it and get input.

Finding time for some outdoor walking is getting tough with crappy weather - it's snowed continuously and things are slushy. Not great for my productivity when I can't walk outside.

Researchinator walks to window to see what the odds are for a walk today...

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