Friday, June 12, 2009

Combining Productivity with Preparation

Starting off with a headache isn't fun. At least it's a subtle one, not a skull cracker migraine today. Made good progress in spite of having some errands, yesterday. Need to do something similar today.

I've been, for a few weeks, generalizing an application from a single case, to include a second case, in preparation for ultimately adding a dozen other cases. So the adding of the second function, analogous to, yet different from, the first is the first real test of how generalizable my concept is.

Does what I've done in one area preclude such a generalization?

In little ways I've needed to tweak things, but still there's nothing that challenges my concept, so I'm happily plodding forth. I like to think that perhaps a week of work will get me through the hump, but next week I'm in France, working from hotels and wifi cafés and parks, so we'll see how much I accomplish.

My backup strategy will evolve too, 'cause I haven't hacked my NAS to allow remote unix-like ssl sessions. I think I'll bundle up an image and email it to myself after large accomplishments.

But getting the day underway, and don't want to do a half-assed job of it, but I realize that there's enough to do that I should take a few hours this afternoon to get ready for the trip.

Researchinator is using a whole ass today...

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