Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday, Blue Skies

A new week starts, and I realize, as I avoid taking my first look at my email, that this may be a short week. As usual, we have no plans, if it is a short week. But I need to check my corporate holiday chart to see if this Friday is a freebie. K gets monday off as well. I suppose I might do the same to maximize my freedom... unless it's already booked up with meetings. Ugh.

A bit chilly for my wool coat this morning, but I mistakenly put it on based on the high today - about 0°C.

...and my headphones go on already. The neighbouring group has a few 'performance talkers' that drive me nuts. You know the kind, that have loud conversations to perform for the people that they know will overhear them. "Use your indoor voice," their mothers should have been saying to them years ago, but they were failed parents, raising self-centered children who now annoy all their peers.

Speaking of self-centered - I am getting tired of CBC radio. But what's my option? I listen to CKCU sometimes, but that's even worse in that direction. All self-obsessed 19yr old kids. What is it with our talk radio that interviewers and hosts can't remove themselves from the equation and focus on the subject matter. NPR in the US is much better at that - or the bits that I listen to. BBC and Deutsche Welle are also good. I wish I could get internet radio on the fly as I drive in to work. And pod casting isn't quite the same - I want it to be live, local and professional. Sign. So much for finding that on the radio dial.

Anyway, my stomach is telling me to get something going. Need my morning tea and maybe some desk-drawer-porridge to start the day. And, so, onto the email...

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