Thursday, March 13, 2008

You've Seen THIS Before

How many blogs have you seen with one or two entries that start with something like "what is a blog" or "okay I'm going to do this" or "I'm writing a blog!"

Well, this is about my 20-something-th blog, and I've come to find this medium to be a good one for some specific applications. The formless "I'm writing about my life" only really comes off if you're a) a huge egoist or b)hugely disciplined. In both cases, the truth is that your life is boring to me, and mine is boring to you.

When Blogs work

"for me" I should hasten to add. I think the blogs that work best for me are:

a) Subject focussed: like the one I do anytime I'm on a trip or any time an election is looming, or when there is a political issue with some duration, and an evolving 'arc' through it's existance.

b) Blists: If a web log is a blog, a web list should be a blist. I have several. These work great, as there is only really one 'blog' entry, and I maintain it occasionally. SO I have a list of great movies, a list of perfect names, a list of cryptography museum exhibits on a particular subject etc...

c) Project Oriented: You launch into a project and want to track the progress. The blog works good not only so people can follow the progress, but so that you as author can sit and summarize and think of what to do next.

This Blog

This is probably going violate my 3 rules above, and do the boring "my life" thing. When I sit down each morning, just a note - kind of like twitter but not so limited. I might write a paragraph, or a sentence...

... or you might be viewing this post in 2011 and seeing only this entry. Anyway, it's more for me (I know, another blogger's cliché).


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