Well it was a slow and painful day on the network yesterday. I thought it was just our connection to the outside world, but I was getting time-out pages with destination browsing so there were latencies in the service networks it appears as well, though the internet traffic report website wasn't reporting much of an issue, so who knows. Looks like things are back in shape this morning regardless.
I need to coordinate some handoff attempts with my research partners, in spite of my low enthusiasm for that activity. It seems futile, but what the heck. Still working on job search related activities in my spare time as well, but for now I'm enjoying the oceanographic corporation facilities for some independent research not tied to corporate deliverables. It's a good time to learn some stuff and see where it takes me.
Grey and cloudy today, with rain here and there, but estimates of hot weather by the weekend. Our first, really of the year, and we're almost half way through. Strange year.
I see a few people moving offices around - it seems almost literally like moving deck chairs on the titanic. I guess people will make the most of their situation hoping for the best - a good thing probably.
I'm starting to run out of everything. My desk is devoid of snacks, and my tea supply is getting low. My kleenex box is going to need replacing, and my stash of emergency breakfast porridge is empty now. Still about 8wks minimum in the office, so I may well have to re-stock though.
Anyway there are a few emails to clean up, so lets launch the day. I'm also thinking I'll buy some tickets to London today, and take a week off in July.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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