Monday, June 2, 2008

A New Week

It's tough not to be optimistic on a Monday morning I find. I know, I know, Mondays for many people are depressing. It's kind of nice showing up to work though with the whole week in front of you and plenty of spare time for exploring some interesting things. I guess that's why I like the technology world. Technology of oceanography that is, of course. And research is good that way too... although the energy sapping connections to academia are sometimes an issue. Research there seems to be doomed to isolation, whereas corporate research seems like it has a fighting chance to break out into the wonderful world of revenue generation... unless you're in the Ivory Tower area of our research organization...who shall go nameless... then you may as well be in academia.

I was worried that blogger would be dead this morning - it was super slow to respond and let me in, and publishing is failing. Are there that many bloggers that get down some sentences on a Monday morning? It took a few tries, but have managed to get connected. The autosave is failing constantly too though - and I see Google screens of failure come up too, so I know the issue is there, not in my bastion of connectedness.

And now for my Google bait-words of the day, and a brief pithy comment thereupon:
The Fermi Paradox is not a paradox at all, but rather a conjecture or hypothesis. I don't know if the "Fermi Paradox" is a widely used phrase, but I came across it on the weekend while browsing some info on good ol' Enrico, and thought it woefully misnamed.

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