Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to School

Even those outside the kids-to-school ritual can't help but be aware of the goings on this morning, and I immediately think about getting my Susan Anton binder and my Star Wars pencil case together to head out the door, and catch the bus for the hour-long ride to school.

Thankfully that has turned to putting the laptop in my back and my cell in my pocket and driving a leisurely 20min to the office... And soon that will involve rolling out of bed and shifting to the room on the left.

But the morning school thing has kicked in again. Glad to see that structure return, but will be sorry to see the parking lot fill up next week, with the vacations all over and the traffic picking up. But hey, just for a week or two.

Meanwhile, I'm also eager to get back into my project and make some headway. My previous entry probably sounds suitably positive and raring to go. Alas it was not to be as a nasty headache showed up later that morning, and I managed merely to launch the deployment of my project archive, while holding my head in pain, and it went it's usual 14 hours wiping out all my eagerness and positivity.

So here I am again - feeling reasonably coherent this morning as I head into my day, the project beckons me, but so does email, as I can take a look to see if their is any response to my deployed archive.

Researchinator is back at school.

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