Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Big Cleanout

The challenge of going through a big pile of files - both paper and digital - is a daunting one. When you know that each sheet - each megabyte - was a significant effort. Sometimes involving days to get the wording right, it makes it all the more tough to throw them into the recycling bin.

But such is my lot today. However, I've left jobs before, and don't kid myself about the opportunity to either a) reuse any of this stuff in the future, and b) find someone else that will value the work. So into the dumpster it all goes.

My environment is pretty much down to bare bones now. A few file folders of stuff I'll keep. Actually one of them peeking out at me is full of maps for various cities I've visited in this job. I suppose with google maps etc I can just toss those as well.

The challenge of getting rid of old computer files is a bit more substantial. Especially as some of them are software developments. I suppose a big chunk of the effort there was learning environments, languages etc, and the loss is not total, as I retain some of that. However, it's still tough to flush the bucket on those files too.

Tomorrow we'll do a kind of half day. I'm certainly thinking about my new venture. I need to do some incorporation stuff - and I should probably limit what I do on my biz computer, as I don't want to leave any files behind by accident. It's easy to get into the habit of storing a copy of things you do for safekeeping. Post cleanup, I don't want to do any of that.

I think my final step will be to reformat my hard drive perhaps.

For now, I think I'll do some surfing to answer a few questions in my head. Maybe plan my canoe route for next week. Then I'll be on my way. Tomorrow - the end is nigh!

It seems that whenever I change jobs, the stock market takes a significant plunge. So, perhaps it's not the sub-prime mortgage crisis afterall, but rather just my change of employment that's caused this!

Researchinator tries to look forward rather than backward.

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