Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Playing Catchup

Returned from a couple of days in NYC, doing some networking, and attending a seminar event in my field of interest. Some good potential contacts - and I'll be following up on that this week. But of course, just to make things challenging, it's a repeat of roughly a year, or 14 months ago. No actually, it isn't. I got a cold upon returning home this time, luckily it wasn't en route.

I even had a reasonably nice few hours after returning, before the thing kicked in.

Damn viruses. Scourge of the earth - or of the airport. The risk is so high, I always try to take precautions, like lots of hand washing, eating tons of salads and fresh fruit, and taking vitamins and echinachea. Of course, to no avail this time. I probably could have done more of the salads though.

Anyway, I have to live with it, and try to get things done still in spite of it all

I did manage to further update some pro forma statements, and finished a first happy draft of my presentation in Apple 'Keynote' software. Thinking a bit about how to share a presentation remotely. I don't have that ugly pig Netmeeting, which could (awkwardly) get the job done. There are some other options I've heard about. Will look into WebHuddle perhaps - an open source app that's supposed to do that through javascript etc. I'm skeptical it will be able to do anything with animated presentations though.

Anyway, sorry for the hiatus while away, and sick, but I'm glad I was able to quickly do an update here, while working at the home office. A few hours left in the day, but perhaps I'll try and squeeze a nap in. This cold is wearing me down, man.

Researchinator says, hey, gimme a break already!

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