Thursday, April 30, 2009

Struggling Due to Uncooperative Health.

Well isn't this great. The cold seemed reasonably past yesterday, and I even worked most of the day. But now another wasted day. A weird fever kicked in yesterday evening and laid me out flat by 9pm. Churning belly and feverishness continues today. I'm getting nowhere.

Sure can't take health for granted. I don't know when all this will end and I can get back onto my stuff.

Feeling pretty discouraged today. Don't know where this all leads really. Another month starts tomorrow, and my patent still isn't back in from the lawyer either. Another final-ish draft this afternoon. Man, can we file this think or what! And what's this all going to cost me. I feel like we're about 4months behind on that front.

Business is tough sometimes, and the value of a full team is not to be understated.

Researchinator is down in the dumps...

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