Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kick in Pants

Just saw an article about the competition. Big corporate effort at solving some of the same issues as my venture is dealing with, but luckily they are going about it in what I think is an inferior manner.

The good thing is that there is some good data in the article about how much money is changing hands in that space. Plus it should serve to illustrate the poorer alternative to my scheme.

This creates both eagerness to deliver my offering to the marketplace, but also frustration that the odds of getting funding are so low in this economy. Grrr.

The other big frustration is that I've so often had good ideas, which were captured and even sometimes prototyped by my staff in other companies or fleshed out on paper, only to see them arrive 5,6,7 years later. I really don't want that to happen again with my current venture, but you KNOW it is going to if I can't get it off the ground.

Ah, the challenges of technology on a budget.

Researchinator faces the cold clammy truth of the real world...

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