Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Where are my TIny Shoes?

Dealing with workers block is always a challenge, but the baby steps strategy seems to have worked. The last week has been tough to focus, but my goal of even doing a few of the smallest things usually mushrooms into actually getting some accomplishments under my belt.

I have a few days of technical document reviews on contract to an occasional client, which is nice to get a bit of cash into my pocket, though the billing cycle is quite slow. The opportunity to be productive on another topic is nice.

Then yesterday, I also managed to spend a couple of hours on some javascript/AJAX stuff that was buggy and solved it, so that felt progressive.

Today I've been cleaning up environment stuff, doing some system upgrades, security upgrades and trashing some desktop litter. But now I've managed to open Eclipse and PyDev and am soldiering forward on development stuff again. This afternoon I expect to put in a few more hours on the document review work.

These are the tough days of entrepreneurial life, finding a means to push forward when the opportunity turn it into a going-concern are still pretty nebulous. So I'll keep on trying with the small steps to get to my near term goals, and not let the big hill I'm on wear me down too much.

Researchinator plugs forward...

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