Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blog as Work Log

Blogger is not my friend today. Can't seem to go to my Dashboard and get into other blogs. I've been trying to use a blog as my work log, keeping notes that I would otherwise write in a lab-book. However, today, I am getting error screens from Blogger, and I can't even see my stuff. That's not a good thing.

Now I'm wondering if I should be keeping a local copy. Or maybe not using blogger at all? I mean what assurance to I have that all my records will not disappear? Does blogger do punitive stuff if you keep your blog private? I wouldn't think so, but who knows.

I'm sure it will sort itself out - er, I hope so anyway. I don't want to have to get into an argument thing with Google to get my own research notes out of their system.

Meanwhile I'm working on application build process, and associated file management. Not the most fun or glamorous stuff, but a necessary evil. Tomorrow I have some meetings about getting some student collaboration on facets of my project. Not sure it will lead anywhere but seems a good opportunity. We'll see.

Researchinator is grumbling about tools that let you down sometimes...

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