Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Titanic Global Economic Battle

Rainy day in the city, and several more of those to come. Weather has turned cool, averaging 15C for highs, and it's all feeling decidedly autumnal. It was around this time last year, give or take a couple of weeks that I embarked on this start-uppy crusade, and the economy quickly took note and fell apart because of it. Much like the Tech-bubble burst was in reaction to my last start-up launch.

Oh sure, the Goldman Sachs, AIG, FannieMae stuff is all well and good, but they were all in reaction to my endeavour getting on its feet.

So once again it's a battle of wills. Me versus the global economy. Who can hold out longer? Will I give in and take a job somewhere before the recovery hits, or will recovery happen while I'm still hammering away on my architecture and looking for angel funding?

Researchinator grits teeth and vows to beat this thing...

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