Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday - Again with the Clear Skies

A pretty good drive in this morning, the old route, bailing on the expressway before the bottleneck. Gee - at a loss for words this morning. I could switch into complaining mode. My back is sore, I've got way to many chores to do and don't know when I'll ever make a dent in them, my job sucks.

Well, that's a rewarding way to start the day. Oh well, I accidentally got into my email there for half an hour. It's really tough to stop. Not much to note here anyway, except the blue skies, high cloud and pending meltable day (4C). I dreamt last night about being in my back yard looking at the garden, shocked that all the snow had disappeared in one night. As well I should have been - 'cause it didn't.

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