Monday, December 8, 2008

Battling the Expected Boogieman or Boogiemen

My productivity is waning a bit under the pressure of a) the onset of winter b) more awareness of competitive projects out there c) lack of a peer group.

But these are all boogiemen I expected, luckily, having been through them before. The work at home curse.

The good thing is that I'm financially stable for a good year anyway, so I should be able to the keep the pessimistic worries at bay. Of course, there is an inverse relationship between my ability to stretch my salaryless existence out perpetually and my ability to invest in my company to any great extent.

But I'll keep pushing on these things and see where I end up. I think if I can end up with a roughly workable application on the one side of the package, I'll get enough of a boost that I will be able to push through to the next milestone.

My biggest 'ugh' feeling is the pending Xmas period. I need to do a bunch of shopping and I really don't feel like I have the spare time. Then again, I don't have time to do a bunch of blogging, so lets put this to rest for now and get something done before lunch.

Researchinator squeezes the clock to get an extra few minutes out...

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