Thursday, December 4, 2008

Refocus Attempt, Still a Bit Blurry

The afternoon brightened up yesterday, so I suppose I should have just blogged later. And I did get out for a brief power walk, and that felt better. I talked to an alternative patent guy, one from my distant past, though it sounds like he will be too expensive. Plus he has a bit of a habit of telling me the obvious sometimes, which isn't stacking well in his favour.

This morning though, I'm migraining again that's twice in three days. Crap. At least I had several good weeks prior to that. So my productivity will perhaps suffer today. I did a fair bit of patent searching yesterday, and was unable to find anything close to what I'm doing. I came across one that briefly scared me, but upon closer reading got a better sense that it was doing something completely different, which was reassuring. There was a big sinking feeling there for a moment.

So far so good. Hmmm, wonder if I can maintain focus enough to do a bit of coding now, in spite of my head and my challenges.

Researchinator tries again...

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