Friday, May 8, 2009

Black Hole Imminent?

Back home again - yesterday was in Montreal at a networking event. Not too bad, but organization could have been better. Met lots of people, none of whom will have any value in connecting me to funding, no doubt, but it's all good practice - cause you end up pitching your concept a dozen times or so.

The driving was fine, and the hotel okay, though again with the 4star hotel where you can't control the AC yourself. That sucks. At least the sheets fit the bed this time.

Weekend approaches, but SO is about to take off for most of the week again. Another quiet week. Ugh. I should pull a 48hour coding marathon or something. Nothing but typing, eating and feeding cats & fish. Hey - feed the fish to the cats and even that can be pushed aside.

Some inspiring thoughts resulting from all the start-up conversations. The fail quick and often approach sounds up my alley. lol Still waiting on patent close off. Doh.

Researchinator is stuck in an event horizon time freeze it seems....

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