Friday, May 22, 2009

Regular is Unusual

A regular morning! How quaint and unfamiliar. Walking in this morning felt very poetic. There were literally flower petals falling on me and I walked through the scent of lilac. Very mid-springy around here.

Getting into the venture again now is crucial, as i've lost a bunch of time. The path forward is clear, the tools to do what I need to are at hand, and I'm ready to go. So up pops Eclipse and I'm slinging python and django around like the best of them. Well, probably not the best.

I also have a bunch of biz side things to do, but those can wait till next week. I have a conversation that I suspect is a funding agencies grudging check-off item to dismiss me, but I mean to have them painted into a you-gotta-fund-them corner by the time the conversation finishes. I mean they provided cash to my huge, global 'oceanography' company when I was there, you'd think they could do something for a venture that will actually create jobs and usable science.

Oh, on a side note - Twitter! Yes, I'm connected there on this project. Hello any followers, welcome to the (mostly) daily trickle of progress that is my start-up life.

Researchinator's tendrils spread oh so weakly out into the world...

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