Monday, June 8, 2009

Morning From a Different Perspective

Well it's certainly not morning now as I turn in for the day and tap out a note on my iTouch. Today was tough, cause well, it's Monday and also due to a lethal combo of both fatigue and low motivation. There are ways to deal with that, and I did a pretty good job, I think. I did communications things this morning, and changed work venues in the afternoon, after putting lunch off for a couple of hours. The fatigue really kicked on, so I took a 10min nap in my comfy chair, and then found myself quite productive after that. I finished up the day with a good 3 hour block of coding that moved me nicely ahead.
Meanwhile I think of all the crap I've got to do, and how much more productive I can be with a fully engaged staff. Then the challenge of getting from here to funding weighs on me. I think too about the big cliquey deadwood machine that I may be about to engage with andworry that they will chew up all my spare time jumping through bureaucratic hoops and pissing contests to finally tell me with excitement that they can invest $35k or something similarly stupid in the venture.
These are the things that keep me up at night. Strangely, the technology continues to reassure me that it will work out. There is still a lot to accomplish there, bug at least that path forward seems pretty clear.
Well tomorrows another day and I'll be back at 'em hoping for a few good blocks of 2 or 3 hrs where things click and the yardstick Getz moved forward.
Researchinator is about to get some sleep...

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