Friday, July 25, 2008

Living for the Weekend? Really?

Another weekend looming, and I'm thinking about all those things I don't get around to doing. I can see the day already unfurling. Get up and shower etc, then go out for breakfast somewhere, maybe connecting with friends to join us, then come home, and go shopping for groceries. A couple of hours to tackle a few yard-work items, and then it's supper time out with friends - one day gone. Sunday comes along. Probably a nice one, so we'll walk to Chinatown for dim sum. Back in early afternoon with 10km under our belts, we'll be pretty tired. Maybe do a chore or two, get packed a bit for the trip next Tuesday, have supper, watch a movie on TV and the weekend is over.

So here I sit at work and contemplate a day ahead and all the huge things that keep getting put off and the thoughts of a few months off between jobs starts to sound pretty good. And Research? Well, my sideline research project is moving slowly forward. I'm sure I could draw that out for a year without a problem. The challenge is to advance it enough in a short time that it could become a real business. I wanted to have something demonstrable by the end of next week, I think. Hmmm goals don't work too well if you don't remember your target date. Let's say middle of August then. There's a good chance that at the end of the day today, I could have something that starts to look like the user side of the puzzle. I have another large probably 8week task on the other side, back end of the project though, to make it much more like a business proposition. The deeper into the system I go, the closer I get to the big technical problems. So lots of work ahead of me still.

Researchinator thinks a tea would be an appropriate start to the day.

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