Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Horrific Cafeteria Trip

Mid-day and post lunch. The cafeteria was miserable today, with a salad bar almost fully depleted at 12:10 and unattractive soup selection, so I ventured over to the alternate option and had some noodley thing with a bagel.

I'm feeling a bit down lately. Post vacation blues I guess. Perhaps the plan is a good one - take a week away, then come back for a week and a bit, then go away again. Thus, when the post vacation blues hit, you are just about to go on another one. This next break to NYC should be good. Very urban, lots of culture, and not doing stuff by myself, but rather having the SO along too.

The down-ness is just a general fatigue with my situation I think. I'm sure it will pass, but I do re-evaluate the sanity of an ordinary life. The routine is energy-sapping, but I recognize the need to have it there as a structure on which I build everything else.

The air is a bit 'close' today. Following my lunch I went out for a walk in some greenspace and thus added to the stepcount for today. Only 3100 steps so far. Should get some more on their tonight, as I have some volunteering time on tap. It's a one-on-one time with a 'disabled' person. I must admit I'm a bit skeptical as my disabled guy doesn't seem very disabled. I have friends who are more challenged than he is. Oh well, perhaps I'm having a very dramatic, and immediate effect with my time sharing.

I read somewhere that blogs get more attention with the use of copious hyperbole. I'm a fairly hyperbolic person in my casual chat anyway (I like to think I keep it in check in formal communications), so I'm limiting my hyperbole to my blog titles. They say it gets more readers... perhaps not if I include sentences like this one disarming my hyperbolic intentions :)

Researchinator slowly fades away

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