Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Still Here!

Another brief summer hiatus in my blog entries, after the series of days on and off described in the previous entry.

Successful in that in has been a relaxing time, but perhaps stressful in that when one is away from work for a while, you start to think about big picture stuff. So while I'm not technically at work just now, I am laying on a couch thinking. Today I was back in the office, but feeling migrainey and so given all that's been going on figured why persevere in the office and instead packed up to have lunch - and the afternoon - at home.

A conference call this morning, and a flurry of emails, so I feel I'm somewhat productive.

This is one of those rare days when I can give in to my circadian (or should I say 'circasemidian') rhythms and doze off if the urge arises. (Here's an interesting paper on that). So I think I'll take advantage of it and do just that.

Researchinator lets the velvet arms of sleep begin to enfold him.

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