Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ugh, the Archive

Okay, I've procrastinated long enough. As my team of crack oceanographic researchers is being disbanded, I need to archive a bunch of the work, and that's what I'm doing today. Ugh - it is unpleasant work.

In truth, a bunch of stuff was created before my arrival, and just sorting through that was a chore. I wish I'd seen some of it earlier. I actually didn't discover all that right away, but it's just as well. The project was a bit of a big slimy slug all along with lack of funding and weak team staffing etc.

I'll be happy to put this behind me at some point. Meanwhile, building an attractive and concise archive with an HTML front end on it is my chore and I'm nearly finished. Soon I'd like to get back to my regularly scheduled side project.

Researchinator out...

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