Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday on the Titanic

The activity is misleading. Office contents are being moved about eagerly as the development team that surrounded me for the past year is being shifted to the right, and my guys are being wrapped around my desk area.

I'm usually not much on having my team close to me physically, mostly because I know that they probably don't enjoy having their manager right over the divider. That's a bit too oppressive. Plus, it limits my ability to talk about sensitive topics that involve them. But such is the workplace here at this fine global Oceanography concern.

The weekend over, I'm facing getting back into my project. I'm struggling with a few database related challenges, but I'm sure I'll sort those out shortly. Also, my University interaction stuff requires significant attention at this point, as does patent related stuff. So hopefully that all comes together cleanly enough to let me make some significant progress as well.

So goes the day out in front of me.

- Researchinator exclaims 'iceberg dead ahead!'

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