Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rare Afternoon Blog Event

Hey, it's not even morning, yet here I am.

I managed to get control of my blog - in spite of a crazy go-around with the blogger account management system. Each 'forgot my password' click seems to spawn several emails, all referring to a totally different blogger account, and each email referring me back to the page I was just at.

I finally managed to get a password reset to happen through another path, and set the password back to what I was sure I was using anyway. Boy - those are some problems.

Anyway I am again functional.

Had meetings to figure out how the exit from our Oceanographic Research company was going to work - sounds like a good package and path to exit. Meanwhile, we'll look for opportunities inside the company, hopefully involving a whole new set of slightly less dysfunctional politics. Barring that, the package is sounding pretty good.

A weird situation where my absence from the office has coincided with everyone wanting to talk to me. Though I've had no calls and few emails for weeks, I'm out of the office for a meeting for 3 hours this morning, and everyone calls, emails and drops by my desk. Crazy.

Tonight I'm going to a local event involving a cocktail schmooze before the start. A great opportunity to chat with random people and press the flesh. Who knows maybe an avenue to some new contacts.

Well, there's my celebratory mid-afternoon blog entry. Hope you weren't too consumed with worry given my late posting :)

Researchinator leaves the building...

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