Friday, October 24, 2008

Crashes and Trying to Ignore the Shrapnel

The Stock Market ride is nuts - today it's started down, but there was expectation that it was going to drop off a cliff - as if the 40% drop in my portfolio wasn't cliffy enough. Anyway, it's down, but not as bad as expected. But the days not over yet.

The media loves this shit -they are just hyping the crap out of the negatives. Don't any of those monkeys have savings an RSP (IRA) or other retirement savings? Whose writing the copy and planning the news cycle for those outlets. They seem oblivious to what they are doing. It's a subtle thing, in choosing adjectives and focus for a story. If the markets are down sharply, and there are a mix of new indicators - they will instead call it a bloodbath, show pics of horrified looking traders, and focus on the most negative numbers. Why not temper the language, highlight that there are some good numbers (e.g. home sales weren't as bad as expected today) and move on.

I think a good 50% of any financial crisis is driven by confidence and hype issues.

Meanwhile, I'm a long way from worrying about stuff like that. So I'll keep plugging away on my project. I'd hoped to do an end-to-end trial today. Using my application for creating situational data, delivering the data to my server, and making the data available and delivering it to a browser. Right now I'm doing some substantial code cleanups for a good archive, and will see where I get today.

I should also be a good little developer and update my documentation to make absorbing real developers later a much easier process.

Researchinator ignores phone ringing with 1-866 numbers (soliciting and robots no doubt) and turns back to getting somewhere today...

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