Monday, October 20, 2008

Drip, Drip, Drip...

The monday morning slog - compounded by a cold and a poor night's sleep. On one hand you would assume working from a home office with limited human contact would be a good thing in terms of avoiding the perils of rampant viruses. However, my SO continues to fraternize with employed, mobile people and can thus transport such infectious agents to our abode. I must go ahead with the bubble I had planned and separate my living space with three layers of polyethylene film and a separate air supply! Only then will my precious bodily fluids be sacrosanct.

Okay, perhaps this focused project development is wearing on me a bit.

I actually have high hopes for this weeks progress. Can I pull it all together and achieve the first end-to-end demonstration of capability this week? It seems like it should be do-able.

In parallel, I'd love to get a first draft patent, and a first complete summary presentation in place. Other wanna-do's are a pro-forma financial statement, a first cut valuation, and a draft business plan doc.

Okay - sounds like a bit much for the week. But during this past weekend I was successful in accomplishing all my weekend chore goals, so who knows maybe I can keep up the achievement track record. But oh, this cold!

Well, best refill the tea-cup and push valiantly ahead in spite of it all.

Researchinator tries to keep a stiff upper lip, in spite of the drippy nose directly above it...

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