Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Analysis of the Home-Office Challenges

Must improve me routine, I guess, as it's not really morning anymore.

Plodding ahead. Boy, I'd forgotten how tough it is to work with no other humans around... but I'll slog it out, and cat's are annoying today, either on my desk too much or meowing incessantly downstairs for extra food & attention.

Making good use of news groups and mailing lists to get programming bug help. Appears there are some UI related bugs in the system I'm using. Not too impressive. Well, for demo purposes, it should suffice. I'll need to make some big platform decisions later on.

Ordered a backup network drive (NAS). That should lighten the risk of losing my laptop or destroying my only copy of my software by accident. The added bonus I suppose is potential for external access outside my network and streaming music through iTunes perhaps!

Had a good kebab sandwich for lunch. One of the benefits of working at home is a whole new array of lunch options from low-budget make-a-sandwich to trying all the myriad of other options around. Lunches are also a good networking time, scheduling connections with other people.

Anyway, the prototype exploration continues. I'm in the tough slogging portion, with potential for much more effort. My SO is imminently going on a biz trip, so I'm going to be left without structure in my day, and could conceivably work for days straight day and night. However, this will require that I impose even more effort to find structure and exercise beyond the walk from bed to desk to kitchen to bathroom.

Researchinator yells at cats....

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