Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Incrementing Forward Again

Got some stuff done yesterday, both on the biz side and the coding side. Writing SW is such a crappy use of my time, but it's really the only way to keep focussed on the vision so that I can demonstrate some functionality that illustrates the biz opp. Meanwhile, reading a bit about operating an incorp entity. I've not done much other than register it, and that leaves me an easy out if I need to wind it down. But at some point, if I accidentally succeed I'll need to throw together everything from payroll to share capital to bylaws to tax returns. Hopefully I can find me a good CFO to do all that stuff at some point, but until then, it will become a sudden load on me just doing day-to-day operations stuff.

Oh well - a good problem to have, 'cause that means there is some traction. Until then, just keep plugging away.

Researchinator powers up the plugificator 5000 XL...

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