Monday, January 12, 2009

Launch Your Week with a Big Banana

The smell of banana bread fills the office, as I get down to work this morning. A lonely old banana (I've been called worse things) beckoned me to cook up a little something before getting my work started, so that is in the oven as I get started in the home office.

I'm eagerly looking forward to my project this week. I may actually get to a stage where a production-like activity is possible. The application I've been crafting as one part of the venture is an authoring tool for some very complex data. With the next steps coming through, I may be able to finally author some content that really works out the whole system. Of course there are large chunks that remain to be developed, but this will be one of the pivotal steps forward.

If I can ignore the banana bread smells for a bit this morning, I will jump back into it. Outside it's not too brutal, and snow is on the way for tomorrow. I have a lunch meeting this week on Wednesday and plan to get out for some snoeshowing at some point with another dude. Plus my SO is off on a business trip, so she'll be removing my only non-self-imposed structure... well, other than the rising and setting of the sun which, this time of year, isn't too cooperative.

Researchinator considers his platitudes and decides to go with onward and upward...

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