Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Blogger Confusion

I was trying to log in to blogger for this account (account 'A') yesterday and my usual passwords were not working. I tried to do a forgotten password thing and the wacky behaviour started.

Instead of sending me a 'click here to reset your password' it sent me double emails containing links for a different blog - call it blog 'B'. It is one that I own, but one for which I had not indicated the same email. Blogger should have no awareness of email address 'A' from account 'B', so clearly they are using cookies to associate blogs that are unconnected and assuming the same user. So if you use the same computer as someone else, watch out. I was careful not to click the link send to email A to reset blog B.

But even more annoying, I couldn't get it to send me a useful link for resetting 'blog A'. It would just send me a link to their 'forgot your password' page. Not the reset link. Trying again, it said this time it sent the instructions to my secondary email address (I don't have one) and said if I didn't have one, it was locking my blog for 5 days and I could try again after that. WTF!?

I went to blog B and did a 'forgotten password' successfully, with the proper email address for that. I logged in, and scoured the user info - nowehere had I told them about email A. Meanwhile, blogger was sending repeated double messages about blog B to email A, of which it should be unaware.

I wonder if random people are getting 'click here to change your password' links for other people's blogs!?

Just to top it off, here I am the next day, successfully getting into my blog with my normal bookmark from my work computer. So clearly my unknown password still works.

Anyway - all that to say Blogger seems to be screwed up big time. I wonder if they know what they're doing. Perhaps they are run by the same oceanographic experts that run my firm - they are exhibiting suitably erroneous and inappropriate behaviours.

So not only do I need to continue scouring the oceanographic employment landscape, but also look for another blogging option that is as nice looking as blogger, but without the crap.


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