Monday, September 22, 2008

A Weeks Worth of Open Space in Front of Me

Got the day started off with appt's - but ones I'd have done if I were still in corporate environment. Part of my annual (okay triennial) physical to go get tests for the usual stuff (cholesterol etc). Then back to my home office and digging into the programming.

The challenge at this point is to move my applications along toward full demo capability. It should be easier now with fewer distractions. My work so far today has been focussed on platform related UI presentation. Font sizing and positioning take too much time with this process. I wish there were a better way!

The day is sunny and cool. Shaping up towards a good mid-week break - when I throw a canoe on the car and head out for a spot of camping. I'm really looking forward to the opportunity to paddle my through the autumn weather and enjoy the time communing with nature. Of course, getting time alone is hardly a central value now, so that part of it is not so much of a goal. But the getting out into the bush is a high value for me, given my childhood in such environs. I miss it when I'm away for too long.

I should take some time to plan my food for the trip and gather some gear together.

Researchinator works at tuning time and task constraints...

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