Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pat-a-Cake Pat-a-Cake

Squeezing in too many things this morning I think. Noticed the bread is getting low so started a couple of loaves worth of 8grain stuff, which is now rising. Up to the office to get started on some coding for the day, but planning to zip back down in about 15min to move the bread into pans and then get out for a brief walk while it proofs. I hope I can make all that happen.

Also it's remembrance day, so I expect to alter my morning walk to swing by the local memorial area with a nod to those who gave it all up for what we've got.

My project moved forward somewhat yesterday. I keep expecting to spend a big chunk of the day on patent polishing, but always have another pressing thing to do. The good thing, I suppose, is that the wheels are turning and there are additional ideas in mind.
But at least I've satisfied myself (I think I have), that I should be able to make the craptacular MS IE work with my concept. We'll see for sure sometime soon.

Okay, off to further flesh that out. Hope it all comes together and I can again shift my attention from the client side back to the application side of the project, with a bit of business thrown in there for good measure.

Researchinator smells the bread a yeasting, while tapping out some magic...

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