Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Airport Needs Work

Tuesday and a sunny one at that. Cold to start, but warming up during the day. I had to go to the bank to straighten out some mess they created for me. Got some stuff done, but hardly as much as I'd wished. Spent the morning trying to get something working that seems to be more effort than it's worth just now.

So on to database management stuff, and have been pushing away at that. The organization of a database is a deceptively simple prospect - the result can be a mess that propagates through everything, or structure that holds it all together.

Back home now at the end of the day, and wishing I could have done more. In transit, I realized that I must soon switch to at least half days working on the business side of things, and try to prolong the runway for this beast, if I'm ever going to get it into the air.

Researchinator is looking for a good set of wings...

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