Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Focus Hours Established

Up too late last night reading and writing. But funny how much difference 30min of extra sleep in the morning can make. Turning off the alarm works well, as the cats won't let me sleep in anyway, so they are walking, complaining snooze alarms. Still made it in to work at the same time as usual, just less lay-around time.

Fighting with the differences between an ubuntu and a mac implementation of Apache2. Finding some files is a challenge on the latter. Been making steady progress, but my days are not as productive as they could be lately. Need to do some focussing for a few core hours every day. 10:30 to 12:00 with no email/twitter and maybe 2:00 to 3:30. Just that sustained effort should make a difference. Not that I don't work the other hours, it just means I'll limit the distractions during those 3 hours. I still work into the evenings regardless...

Shouldn't be hard, right? (Famous last words?)

Researchinator gives it the old university try...

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